hallowZINE is right around the corner 🧟🪄⛓️
so what is it? ✨ hallowzine is a drop-in compilation zinemaking session where we invite participants to create one page to be added to a collective zine project centred around horror in media. horror movies, books, games, you name it, we want to hear about it! you could tier list your favourite horror books, sketch a video game character, write a horror movie review, you name it! the theme is quite open and we’re so excited to see diverse takes on the subject 🪄 this zine will be photocopied and distributed at the library and at zine fairs! the proceeds from zine sales will go towards the library 🫶
when is it? ✨ tuesday, october 31st from 6-8pm
where is it? ✨ the zine library located in the 2nd floor of the tranzac at 292 brunswick ave
what else? ✨ all zinemaking supplies will be provided as well as 🍬 halloween treat bags 🍬 so come on out for the candy, community and a chance to express a small part of what horror in media means to you 🙂 masking preferred! PS costumes encouraged!!!