5 Cameras / odd-size / art / Dave
Adventure Time / quarter-size / perzine / Maddy Phelan
All Things Ordinary #1 / quarter-size / perzine / Derek Neuland
All Things Ordinary #2 / quarter-size / perzine / Derek Neuland
An Abridged Description of The Disease of Novelism Prepared for the General Populace, (Illustrated) / odd-size / special interest / anonymous
Corn Recipes / odd-size / art / Tara Bursey
Five Stories (Montreal) / odd-size / litzine / Louis Rastelli
Fresh Hot Pizza / odd-size / comics / BenT
Garlic Recipes / odd-size / art / Tara Bursey
Immediatism and other selected essays / quarter-size / politics / Hakim Bey
Ladybeard #2 / quarter-size / gender/queer / Bastian Fox Francis Phelan
Moving Picture Views #1 / half-legal / fanzine / Malcolm Fraser
My Space is the Place: a trio of neighbourhood delights, local lights, and sound bites / quarter-size / perzine / Jim Munroe
Neckmonster #7 / quarter-size / perzine / Cheyenne
One Way Ticket 37 / odd-size / perzine / J.
Plastic Knife #6 / Black Paint Gold Wire #8 / half-size / litzine / anonymous
Riot Wife #3 / quarter-size / perzine / Kate Pinchdog
Sub Rosa #5 / odd-size / perzine / Taryn
The Cast of the Office Original Series / The Cast of the Office American Series / odd-size / comics / Jeffrey Antacid
This is Where I’m At #1 / quarter-size / gender/queer / Amy
Yo Sick #10 / quarter-size / art / Prashant Gopal
Yo Sick #7.5 / quarter-size / art / Prashant Gopal
Yo Sick #9 / quarter-size / art / Prashant Gopal
Your Dick’s Too Short to F**k With God / odd-size / comics / Ben T