A long overdue update

This is a much overdue update that we’ve been meaning to share. 

We’ve been closed to the public since March 2020, primarily because of COVID, but also because the TRANZAC has been undertaking some renovations that included our library space. While we’ve been closed, we have been continuing to slowly work through updating our catalogue by going through our collection, scanning covers, and adding new metadata for better search functions. This is an ongoing, long-term project because we have so many zines to review! 

And to give you a little preview, here’s a few interesting zines we recently catalogued:

The Worst #3 – A Compilation Zine on Grief and Loss [special interest]

A scanned zine cover that has the title The Worst: A Compilation Zine on Grief and Loss (issue 3) over a graphic of florals

Barcode Mao Zedong – a flipbook by Scott Blake [art]

A scan of a flipbook cover which has the title diagonally on the left and a graphic of many barcodes creating an image of Mao Zedong

Phantastic – by Kevin Guthrie [art]

A scan of a three colour printed zine with hand drawn text with the title Phantastic as well as an illustration of a ghost figure below.

Crackers + Honey #9 – by Karissa [art]

A handmade zine cover with a blue background, hand stitching and a small handwritten title saying Crackers + Honey

As always, be sure to check our catalogue, we’re adding more details to our existing collection regularly. Which is why we’re also a bit behind on processing some of the many amazing donations we continue to receive. But we’re working on it! 

And just to give you a little sneak peek at our ongoing renovations….

A photograph of wooden shelves holding storage cases containing various zines.

There’s a new carpet! New shelves! It’s very very exciting! And we are planning to reopen to the public soon as well, hopefully in time for Canzine Toronto! 

More soon!