new additions for January 14, 2007

A Guide to the Mannerly Wooing & Winning of the Object of Your Affection- Matilda and Edwina
A Rough Guide to Bicycle Maintenance- Shelley
Anatomic Air Review #2, the- Sinoun
Another Name for Nothing #3- John
As She Counted the Spiders #1- Gnomexaka
Beginnings- Anonymous
Black Carrot #1- Dave
Caught In My Eye- Megan Butcher
Chep Whittaker Is Dead- Paul De Decker
Christine and Tara‘s DIY Guide to Making Cosmetic and Hygienic Products- Christine and Tara
Clara Marie Candy Cane and Me- Miranda Hale
Cuture Shock- Adam Menceles
Dance of the Skeletons #4- Johnny Aztec
Dreamer- Brown Paper Bag Comic
Ferrum Wheel #5- Christopher Fritton, editor
Floor Meeting #2- Martine Richards
Four Star Daydream #6- Fawne Thomaston
Ghost: Rock Scissors Paper- Julie, editor
Glamour Puss #1- Jessica
Graveyard Alive- A Zombie Nurse In Love- Una Crow
Hauzine- various
Heat Seeker #1- various
Homesick #1- various
Hot Dick- Laura McCoy
Infecticitus #1- Halley Murray
Ladyscientist #1- Susan P. Bustos
Misfit Toy- Vix Spooky
Mutiny: A Paper of Anarchistic Ideas & Actions- Mutiny Collective
Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs- various
Old Weird America #1- Rose White
Orange and Blue #0- Isabelle Bourret
Permanent Ink #9- various
Pleiades #15, the- Miranda
Poetic Justice #3- Stephanie Carlin
Re: Licked Knuckles- Hartley Lin
Rem Dim Sum 001- Uyugomiak
Respect Your Elders- Barbee Lin
Season 9 #1
See No Speak No Hear No
Should You Encounter a Cougar-
Jacob T. Stoltz
Slow- Ian McLaughlin and Reuben Looyenga
Stanzas Vol 1 #43- Rob McLennan, editor
Status Seekers- various
Strawberry Cake- William Brown
Suburban Waste #2- Jenn
Thanksgiving- Sara Pinder
This is about Lion Love- Cynthia Longhair
This is What She Said- Megan Butcher
Today Is Wednesday- Alix D.
Towards a Less Fucked Up World
Twaddle #1
Urban Camping
What Surrounds You-