Our friends at the Dr. Chun Resource Library Present…

DIY Series #3: Blogs and Blogging Blogs, or web logs, have exploded in number in recent years and have grownto millions on the web. Blogs have become part of mainstream politics,been banned in some countries, broken media stories, and been thoroughlyreviled and also lauded for providing space for anyone to publish theirthoughts on the web.… Continue reading Our friends at the Dr. Chun Resource Library Present…

TZL in The Brock Press

Check out this recent article on the Toronto Zine Library from The Brock Press Online. The Zine Scene: Small Press Means (Big) BusinessREBECCA LAZARENKO Past decades may not have stood for low budget paperbacks masquerading as high art, but these days, small press publications are well known, widely read and an economically sound solution to… Continue reading TZL in The Brock Press

call for submissions

Submit to Sum Zine No. 1, Please Sum Zine No. 1 is to be an art-lit-zine published by Something Collective, a small Toronto-based writing group. Members are playwrights/actors/writers/editors/crafters. There are three of us. We are creative collaborators who have each done something to claim these titles and who aspire to do more, independently and together… Continue reading call for submissions

New additions for February 4, 2007

America? #14 Travis FristoeBig Hands #2 AaronBrainscan #20 Alex WrekkCrudenoise #4 Meredith SternFree Society #17 StuGriotzine #3 Brian D.Griotzine #4 Brian D.Konstrusjon #4.5 Asne Hagen (Norwegian!)The Perfect Mix Tape Segue #3 Joe BielWisconsin Heather F. thanks to everybody for coming to our workshop!

New additions for January 28, 2007

Assassin and the Whiner #15 – Carrie McNinchAunt Franne #5 – AnneDoris #14 – CindyDysfunctional Family #11 – Adrian, editorEightfold Path #5 – DarylEqualizingXDistort Volume 5, Issue 3 – CIUT 89.5EqualizingXDistort Volume 6, Issue 1 – CIUT 89.5EqualizingXDistort Volume 6, Issue 8 – CIUT 89.5I’m Johnny and I Don’t Give A Fuck #5 – AndyJade’s… Continue reading New additions for January 28, 2007

New additions for January 21, 2007

A Cette Dame #1– Becky JohnsonCalendar Girl #1– Christine S.Ghetto Youth/Mylxine #12– Scott and SarahGirl Gang– FlyStatic Toe #4– Chris BarryThe Kids Can’t Sing– Chris and Lisa(untitled)– Mike Parsons

MAKE A ZINE! Workshop

Please join us for Make a Zine!: A Workshop for Beginners hosted by the TZL Collective at the Toronto Zine Library. Topics covered will include a short history of zines, what they are and why we make them, as well as the future of zines. Our hands-on workshop will address varieties of approach, genre, construction… Continue reading MAKE A ZINE! Workshop